Why It’s Important to Have a Clean Workspace
Maintaining a clean working space can be especially difficult when people bring in a mixture of mud, snow and rain along with their boots and Monday blues. When making more sales is priority, we overlook simple things like maintaining a cleaning routine. We believe you should focus on your work and leave to rest to us.
Use It or Lose It
First impressions almost always decide whether or not there are going to be any more impressions. You must have heard the phrase, “Your environment is the reflection of your state of mind.” But did you ever wondered if the environment could make or break a deal? An unclean space indicates negligence and less attention to detail. Your customers could take the inattention for carelessness. Hiring a professional service team for tasks like general maintenance, window cleaning, carpet and floor cleaning, may not necessarily stand out to you but definitely stands out the customer.

Pictured above is our employee using the latest Imop floor scrubber. At Guardian, we believe in implementing the latest technology to maximize the effectiveness and reduce costs. The Imop is a quicker, faster, and more efficient tool that helps cut cost, which we eventually pass on to you!
Health Before Wealth
Maintaining a clean work space will prevent the spread of disease and illnesses. In 2014, a research revealed that germs on a single doorknob can spread to 40-60 percent of workers and visitors within just 2-4 hours. Floors, doorknobs, desks, bathrooms and walls should be thoroughly and frequently cleaned to prevent an epidemic of multiple sick leaves.
In 2012 alone, nearly 3 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses were reported by private industry employers. A clean and organized office space would prevent falls, slips and injuries that could easily be avoided.
Do It For The Smiles
Employees are more productive when their work space feels more organized and clean. Having your office frequently cleaned would boost employee morale and increase productivity.
According to a survey conducted in 2017, 89 percent of Americans believe the condition of a workplace restroom is one indicator of how a company values its workforce. In short, a cleaner environment increases employee morale leading to more productive workforce and resulting in increased sales. Wasn’t that the point anyways?
While you focus on your goals and missions for the upcoming year, let us do what we do best and help you grow your business. Guardian Janitorial Services combines today’s technology with 100 years of innovative experience.
We customize our cleaning service to meet the needs of commercial properties, residential communities/buildings, financial institutions, retail locations, academia and municipal buildings. We can offer you a full range of solutions based on your individual needs and help you save money!